Sisag AG is part of Sisag Holding AG, which also includes Remec AG, sharecomm ag and SisCampus AG. At our sites in Schattdorf, Glattbrugg and Monthey, we employ 190 workers, who are the real source for the success of the group.
Last year, we extended our SisCampus at the Schattdorf site in the canton of Uri with the aim to create an inspiring workplace and training centre where 150 employees from all over central Switzerland are responsible for the success of the group.
Mission statement of the Sisag Group
Thanks to globally competitive products and services, we are able to offer highly qualified, attractive jobs and apprenticeships in the canton of Uri and elsewhere and pay a fair dividend to long-term shareholders.
Our aim is not limited to just now, it will still be valid “in 100 years”, and we want to grow sustainably. This will enable not only the individual companies of the Sisag Group to develop better, but also their employees and trainees: The more diverse the work is, the better the training and further training opportunities become.
Despite limited natural resources, more and more people want to be mobile and connected. This is why the demand for safe, environmentally- and climate-friendly transport, information, control and production systems is increasing.
We are open and honest with our customers, partners and colleagues and therefore inspire trust. We recognise that only through excellence can we make our desired contribution to increasing the safety and conservation of natural resources.
Products and services are becoming increasingly complex and difficult for users to verify. That is why we take the utmost care to ensure that our customers trust us. Trust is the strongest bond that ties us to our customers.
We are performance oriented and fair – both internally and externally. Fair competition promotes innovation and added value. That is why we embrace competition, not only externally – in the markets for labour, capital, infrastructure, energy, materials and intermediate goods – but also internally. However, internal competition must always be in the (overall) interest of the Sisag Group. We are entrepreneurial in our thinking at all levels.
We succeed as a group because each member shares his or her knowledge, experience and concerns: Working together means speaking together and providing each other with respectful criticism, thinking together, reflecting and taking each other seriously, facing challenges together and celebrating together.
We make our contribution to the environmentally- and climate-friendly management of growing mobility and networking by carefully developing the competence which we have acquired since Sisag AG’s foundation in 1985 in the field of electrical controls for ropeways and successively transferred to other business areas, such as the data-based electrical (digital) automation and maintenance of facilities, systems and processes, which reduces their manufacturing and operating costs and increases their safety and comfort.
We diversify widely by offering existing and new customers both established and new products and services certified according to international standards, on mutually independent markets at home and abroad.
Our customers can be assured that we support them at all times and over the entire operating life of their facilities and systems, so that their investments are protected in the long term.
Our processes, products and services are of uncompromisingly high quality: The processes are safe for the employees and protect natural resources. The products and services meet our own requirements for safety, availability and maintenance of systems, international standards and always also the customer's wishes.
Our products and services are modular and are suitable for the replacement of individual elements (retrofits) and also for the production of completely new and innovative systems.
We are flexible and consistently customer-oriented – with the aim of recognising the problems and wishes of our customers at an early stage so that we can offer innovative solutions quickly and exceed their expectations.
We are independent, committed entirely to our customers and do not enter into exclusive partnerships.
We promote the health and resilience of our employees. They are our most important success factor and are qualified, motivated, reliable and success-oriented or – in short – outstanding at all levels.
Swiss Quality
Sisag's products are designed to meet the customer's needs in terms of safety, availability, maintenance and service, and are constantly being developed and kept at the forefront of technology. We are actively involved in defining the framework conditions for the construction and operation of our systems. Be it in the field of standardisation, certification or legislation.
Company history
MarchCompany foundation
MayMoving to Rynächtstrasse
JulyProduction moves from Büren NW to Altdorf
MarchFirst order abroad
DecemberNew products on the market
MarchMove to the new company building SisNova
MarchOpening of the branch in Monthey
AugustFounding of SisWare GmbH
JulyMajor order in the field of traffic technology
AugustFlood in Schattdorf
SeptemberFirst urban systems
MarchFounding of Remec AG
MarchRestructuring to form Sisag Holding AG
OctoberAcquisition of ShareCommService AG
DecemberAcquisition of Spillmann GmbH
MarchOpening of SisCampus
DecemberFirst no-operator gondola lift and aerial tramway
Januarysharecomm and SisWare are now one
Sisag Group
Sisag AG is part of Sisag Holding AG, which also includes Remec AG, sharecomm ag and SisCampus AG. Last year, we extended our SisCampus at the Schattdorf site in the canton of Uri with the aim to create an inspiring workplace and training centre where 150 employees from all over central Switzerland are responsible for the success of the group.
Sisag AG
We build complex control and process guiding systems for the transport of persons and goods. Our core competence is the development and construction of controls for tourist and urban ropeways and for road traffic. Our systems are designed, planned, manufactured, tested, installed and commissioned on site. Customer satisfaction is central to us and is based on the safety and availability of our systems.
Remec AG
Remec AG offers a comprehensive range of services in matters of duty of care for ropeway operators, industrial companies and facility managers. In addition to professional advice and the introduction of our maintenance software Sambesi, this also includes taking over the technical management of ropeway systems, also on a temporary basis as a substitute management. In addition, we develop customised software applications for our customers from industry and administration.
sharecomm ag
sharecomm ag deals with all matters concerning the stock register and offers a comprehensive range of services in the areas of investor relations and the organisation of general meetings. sharecomm ag stands for expertise and experience in stock register management, software development, consulting and project management.
54. Hochgenuss
SisCampus AG provides the restaurant “54. Hochgenuss” for the physical well-being of the Sisag Group and offers indulgence with a view. In twelve stylish rooms, customers and guests can stay overnight and organise their own events in various seminar rooms. The entire SisCampus offer is also public and is therefore available to all.